Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My blog experience

Hello class
This is my last posting
Today I`m going to talk about my blog experience.
I`m not really a techie person, however, I like this experience because I learnt how create blog and how to visit the blogs of my classmates. I did not have an idea how blogs worked. I do not use the computer very much. I enjoy this experience because I knew some things about my classmate s such as their preferences in sport or technology or music or food, etc
I think that make my blog helped me to improve my English because I learnt many words and improved my grammar a bit. Also liked the blog because we wrote about dayli things, I could give my opinion and say some things about my tastes.
I think the blog is a fun experience for learning more English because it is interactive and technologic, also I think it is a new experience for me because I had never had English class in a computer.
One disadvantage of blogging experience is the time of our class, because we finish at 7.30 and for me it is very late to be at the university. Other bad thing of the blog is that sometime I did not know what to write and did not feel like writing. Also sometimes I did not know is I was writing well, therefore it was necessary the correction of teacher. Finally the vocabulary we will need for our career is more specific than that we used in class.
However the blogging experience is much better than regular class for many reason like knew my classmates, writ my about funny and interesting things or just for distracting me of the university with a difference kind of class (although this experience is the university too)
Best wishes, Hugs and kisses…

pd: I hope that THE END OF SEMESTER soon end.
pd2: Good luck


  1. With the "teacher" we should have done a blog XD, instead of "oral reports", or the "interviews" end of semester.
    I also think we finished so late .. besides that is just the time when my "micro" was going more full, and all the times that I've stayed until too late I've been very unconfortable in the bus.

  2. Yes! I emphasize the relation with classmate, too! I am happy because I can communicate with you, and I can know you more.
    I think that was mistake the not review the posts, because we not could correct our mistakes.
    Kisses and Good luck!

  3. My dear cloud with shining (NUBELUUZ!), I'm agree with you, the Blog allow to me to practice my english and to know your experience about your life :) I liked communicate with you across this way, I felt that I know you a little bit more.
    I love you so much! this is my last post ever! so enjoy it!
